Happy Birthday, Mister!

I wrote this poem or whatsoever you would call this on Mister’s 20th birthday (27th of September of 2011):

a story that last

A name my sister told me

A profile picture on Facebook account

An handshake in Padang restaurant

An eye that first met

A support from twitter

A night conversation on Yahoo Messenger

A phone number

A smile

An all day short-message-services

A late night call

An awkward first date

A laugh

A car with a typical good smelled

A story about present

A movies

A pair of eyes that see

A lunch

A poem

A story about past

A trust

A black wallet

A Bart Simpson shirt

A dolls and a mini basketball

A Christmas

A fireworks in different state

A nothing to do on a ‘love day’

A break and a comeback

A year

A guest room in my house

A sickness

A study for exam

A visit

A Toblerone chocolate

A dinner

A cold night

An ice that melt

A story about future

An everything-conversation

A smile for nothing

A laugh for smiling

A tears

A bad-face-and-hair-day

A lots of tissues full of snots

A hand that wipe

A beach to see

A sand to touch

A water to feel

A sun that warm

An heavy rain

A sushi which not we met

A plans to do

A last day on your 19th

And the last of this words,

A “happy birthday” to you….

From me to Mister, happy 24th birthday!